Hello! I am so excited to have you here to get to learn a little bit more about me and who I am, the gal behind the camera, Bianca Azmi. Located in Riverside, California. I always knew I loved photography and documenting moments ever since I was little one. My mom bought me my first camera when I was 16, and funny thing I ended up breaking it (clumsy girl problems LOL) after using it for a while, I took a break from photography for a bit. It really wasn't until I graduated college where I rediscovered how much I truly do love photography. I saved up enough to get my first DLSR camera and wanted to teach myself the ins and outs to photography. What it means to be not only behind the camera but in front of it as well. I want to embody what my client's feel in front of the camera. I love the idea of expressing yourself in front of the camera, from personality, clothing, location, props, and more to really have it come together catered to you. Specializing in lifestyle portraits being engagements, families, maternities, weddings, graduations, newborns, you name it. Every client I encounter teaches me so much not only about myself but about how important memories documented are to other people. Photography is so much more than just a picture. It is a form of expression, a memory, a new chapter, a love story, an accomplishment, and so much more, that I feel so honored to get to capture for you all. So, if you are in need of portraits, looked at my portfolio, left me a review, or just stopping by to take a glance at what I offer, I truly thank you. I really wouldn't be where I am today without the support and trust of my dear clients, who I get to call friends. Every form of engagement truly means a lot to me, and I am eternally grateful for you all and what continues to come my way, learning and growing.
- B.